Amy White

Why You Should Wear Silver Hoop Earrings

Posted by Amy White on May 3rd 2016 12:33 AM

Why you should Wear Silver Hoop Earrings
Chances are very high that straight from the topic you were taken aback. You might be wondering whether people put on silver hoop earrings anymore in the world. Well, there is some news for you, yes thy do! You would be shocked at how popular these hoop earrings actually are. It is true that they were mostly associated with the 80s and thinking of them now you might see them as out of style but the truth is that they never really got out of style. If you are a fan of the red carpet events, watch them more closely and you will realize that a large number of the celebrities actually grace the red carpets with the hoop earrings on.
The main reason as to why these earrings are still work a lot these days is that they are actually very clean and simple and they blend very easily with almost each and every outfit. It is very hard for you to go wrong with these earrings. They always make a subtle fashion statement and they work very well to complete any outfit that you might be having on.
There is a probability that you mostly choose to stay away from them because you think that they are a style from the 80s and that they won’t blend into the current day and age’s style. Do not be fooled. We are lucky to be living in an age where creativity seems to be at an all-time high. Designers are popping out of the wood works right, left and center. These designers have their work cut out very well for them and they are not taking any chances when it comes to putting the best out there.
These designers have also not neglected the silver hoop earrings and they are coming up modern and elaborate styles of these earrings with each waking day. They are coming up with newer and better ways of adorning them thus you will never have to worry about looking out of style at any particular moment. The available variety is also widening with each passing day and you can get anything that you desire from the thick hoops to the thin ones. You can get the big bold ones or choose to be subtle and just go with the small delicate hoops. There are also a variety of shapes available and you can choose anything from the oval shaped to the perfect circles.

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