Amy White

Why It Is Okay To Say A Prayer For Money

Posted by Amy White on May 25th 2016 07:50 PM

Why it is Okay to Say a Prayer for Money
We have all heard that money is the root of all evil, and that God does not want to us to associate ourselves with evil in any way. But does that mean that we should never pray for money? I don’t think so. God is the provider and source of all the things we have in our lives, and there is nothing that He loves more than seeing us praying to Him when we want something.
Everyone knows that in the world we live in, everything is run through money. If you want food, you buy it using food. When you work, you are paid using money at least most of the times. Unfortunately, not everybody gets enough money to live comfortable lives. Even for people with relatively stable jobs, sometimes it is possible to run out of money. And what is the solution at such times? Prayer. Yes, prayer is the fastest way to communicate with our provider. And as God’s words tell us, we can pray about almost anything good. You can say prayers to get healed, a prayer to get a job, or even say a prayer for money.
If you never knew it, some of the richest people in this world are also prayerful people. They know that their riches didn’t come through sweat alone. They received their wealth after days of hard work, faith and praying. The same case can happen to the poor and the medium income families. When your life seems to have hit the rocks and you barely have anything on your plate, a prayer for money can do you no harm. What you however need to know is that your prayers can’t get fulfilled for the simple fact that you communicated with God. It doesn’t work that way.
Before your prayer for money gets answered, you must get some things right. First, humble yourself before God. No matter what denomination you are affiliated to, the most successful people in religious books were humble people. And closely related to humility is hard work. You want money, right? Work to get it. If you have read the Bible severally, you may have noted a verse which says God blesses the work of our hands. God only answers your prayers for money after you have worked enough to deserve it. And finally, always be patient with God. He comes at the right time.

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