Amy White

Packing Services For Moving

Posted by Amy White on May 3rd 2016 12:25 AM

Packing Services for Moving

Whenever there is a new home, it means someone is in need of packing services for moving. This is surely a chore for some especially for those who don’t know how these things work. Usually, companies also offer packing services for moving but you need to do half the work as well. So how can you take care your precious belongings for your move? Here are some packing tips for you:
- Use special boxes when packing for your fine china and clothing This will help you know which ones are fragile or as an alternative, you place your fine china in between your clothes when you pack them.
- Always tape your boxes. You don’t want your things jumping out inside the truck. Roads are not as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
- Dishes should be stacked upwards. If you put your dishes sideways, they will hit each other during the move and risks of breaking them along the way. You do want to eat on plate in your new home right?
- Duct tape doesn’t solve everything. Packing tape does.
- Label them clearly on the top and side. You may not want to show some things to your kids or movers when you open your special box.
- Always use new boxes. Old boxes might not be able to support your possessions. Always use strong and new boxes.
- The heavier the item, the smaller the box. - Printed newsprint doesn’t go well with fine china. You don’t want your fine china to have news on it.
- Electronic gadgets should be in their original boxes. If you don’t have the box any more, all mighty bubble wrap will do the trick.
- Pack and unpack fragile things over a padded surface. - Pack things you don’t need early. - Mail in your change of address forms at least a week before your move.

These are just some of the tips to help you on your move. You also need to show these to your chosen mover as these will be part of your estimate as well. If they think their estimate is less than what they will pack and move they may charge you more or worse. They might not even include them in the move and you might find yourself carrying the things you forgot to show. One last tip that you need to remember on your move day; bring a lot of snacks for your move!

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